
Showing posts from June, 2020

Level 4, Intermediate, Post 3, 'Themed Free Post'

Warm Salutations Prospective Social Scientists from   FACSO, This week, I am bringing to you the third out of ten blog sessions. In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment: -  Comments : Leave a comment on your post + 3 of your classmates' posts -  Word Count : 180 words -  You are free to write any topic you want to, in any manner.  As usual, I will leave you a sample. This time an extract from a literature essay that me and a classmate wrote a few years ago, "The Scarlet Letter as a biformous narrative: Characterization. Hawthorne’s novel, ‘The Scarlet Letter’ can be said, inhabits ‘biformity’, a term which has been coined by Michael Kammen in his essay ‘Biformity: A Frame of Reference’. More particularly, the novel’s ‘biformity’ can be found in the construction of one of its main characters, Hester Prynne. As a starting point, ‘Biformity’ can be shaped as an ambivalent state of two o...

Level 4, Pre-Intermediate A, Post 2, 'The Best Holidays/Concert ever'

Warm Salutations Prospective Social Scientists from   FACSO, This week, I am bringing to you the second out of ten blog sessions. In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment: This time you will write about the best holidays or concert you've been to.  Please choose ONLY 1 theme.  Holidays: - when it was - where they went - how long it was - people they went with - things/activities they did - why it has been the best so far - any other relevant info or, Concert: - when / where it was - the artist they saw - a bit of info about the artist - describe the atmosphere during the    event - describe how they felt and why they  enjoyed it - any other memories about it >>Worcount: 170 >>Leave comments on 3 of your   classmates   posts + comments on your teacher's post. A sample for you comes attached,  "Dear Fellow Concert Goers, This time I was given the ...

Level 4, Pre-Intermediate A, Post 1, 'A Country I would like to visit'

Warm Salutations Earthlings from FACSO, In this very special moment, I am bringing to you the first out of many blog sessions we will be working on. In this particular session, you will be asked to  do the following classwork : -  Which country would you like to go to? Why? -  What do you know about it? -  What would you like to do there? -  Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain. -  Upload pictures -  Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your  teacher’s  post - Word Count:  160 words - This task is meant to be handed on June 19th 2020 .  If in doubt, if any queries or questions pop up; do not  hesitate  to contact me. Down below, I am leaving you a written sample for you to have an idea.  "Hi everybody, To go straight to the point, I will say that I would like to visit Japan in the near future. Since it is the birthplace o...